"People think I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a jar on my desk." - Stephen King

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Reading Response: Scarlet

     This book is a slight spin off of red riding hood in it a girl named Scarlet who's grandma disappears from their country home. She goes to the police but they tell her that her grandma just ran away because she left her ID chip, a chip implanted in every ones wrist so that they can be tracked and identified. Scarlet, convinced her grandma would never leave without telling her, decides if they won't look for her she will. She finds a street fighter named Wolf who used to be a part of the gang that took her, but can she trust that is loyalty truly no longer lies with them or will he end up turning on her?
“We met less than a week ago and in that time I've done nothing but lie and cheat and betray you. I know. But if you give me a chance...all I want is to protect you. To be near you. For as long as I'm able.”  
     Wolf must convince Scarlet of his wanting to help her even though he's done very bad things in the past. They grow closer when trying to find her grandma and Wolf must fight his loyalty to the pack to protect her.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Multi-genre research reflection

     One of my favorite multi-genre projects was the one about Neighborhood movie theaters. I really liked the way some of the information was presented in a film canister. I thought that this was creative and a very interesting way to present information. For my project I'm considering talking about what caused the Salem Witch Trials.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The do good fund

     This hyper link is the first organization I decided to write about is called Fairleaf Foods. This project was made to get a super food called Moringa into the United States. By doing this they hope to support small farming communities. They plan to make Moringa into different food's and sell them in stores in the United States giving more money to small farming communities. I chose this article because farmers are having a very hard time making money and providing for their familys and this will help give them the business they need to make money.
    This next one's about a organization called do_so. It was made as a website or app that will promote one event that an organization is holding a month and donate $1 for each person that signs up. One example could be a marathon and each person who signs up for the marathon through their app they would donate $1 to the cause. I choose this because it makes signing for organization events right at your fingertips. For each event you sign up for you're not only helping by being there but also through that extra dollar that's being donated.
     Lastly, this orinization is called Art to Aid. It's made to give people the chance to creatively advertise their cause for others to see. They can use the website to sell items to contribute money to their cause. This website would help by giving all organizations a chance to get themselves out there.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Analysis of: A Word, Please article

     I choose to write about the article titled A Word, Please: Why punctuation, grammar are important. This article was written about the importance of using proper grammar and punctuation when writing about a professional business. There were three separate places that grammar errors were spotted and the author of the article states that they believe it takes away from the professionalism of the business. The one they had the biggest problem with was “Bank owned properties commonly called REO or real estate owned is one of the most common foreclosure investment practices today”. The author of the piece, June Casagrande, writes,
     "(This) contains an outright grammar mistake, one you almost never see in professional writing.
     The subject of the sentence is long a noun phrase that starts with “bank” and ends with “owned.” But the head noun — the real subject — is “properties” and it’s paired with the verb “is.” This is a classic example of a subject-verb agreement problem."
    As stated by the author this is an outright grammar mistake that should not be seen in something written for a professional business. For anyone that notices these mistakes it would I'm sure be a turn and they would think twice before giving this company their business.   

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Extra! reading response: Mortal Danger

     This book is about a girl named Edie who was relentlessly bullied at her school.
 "The relentless jokes, endless harassment- if this was all I could look forward to, then I was ready to check out. I didn't know why people at school hated me so much. To my knowledge, I'd never done anything except exist, but that was enough. At Blackbriar Academy- an expensive, private school that my parents thought guaranteed a bright future- it wasn't okay to be ugly, weird, or different. I was all of the above." (pg.2)

    The bullying went on and on until one day they went to far. This was the last straw and Edie decided to commit suicide. Teetering on the edge of a bridge about to jump off she's stopped by a hand grabbing her arm and telling her to stop. She's given three favors (in form of an infinity symbol on her wrist with a cross through it for each favor she uses) to be used in three years, but in return she must do three favors for a mysterious company she knows little to nothing about.
    Edie is faced with decisions that could save her and those close to her or kill them. Everything she does is scrutinized and she has to be very careful if she has any chance of getting out of this alive.     

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Remembering Fairy Tales

     I chose to do my research on Hans Christain Anderson's Fairytales. I chose this topic because the person I'm corresponding with expressed that she loved this book as a child. I love remembering fairy tales from my own childhood.
     His works include the Princess and the Pea, Thumbelina, and the Little Mermaid. Allot of people will recognize these stories from their own childhoods. They at first weren't very popular, but they became very popular later on. He is well recognized today for all his tales  and there is even an award given away in his name.
     I personally have always loved his stories. I'm sure most of us have seen Disney's version of his stories especially now with Frozen, which was made from Hans Snow Queen. These fairy tales had a large impact on my childhood, bringing a little magic and imagination. They harbored my love for reading giving me the vast imagination I needed to understand the worlds woven by my favorite authors. I'm able to be completely submersed in their world, and without my imagination I would never be able to enjoy them as much as I do today.
Below is a link telling about the original story of the Snow Queen:

Monday, October 27, 2014


     These links all pertain to discrimination between people. They were all very intriguing, I especially liked the study done on the children. The way that they turned on each other when one difference was shown was surprising. When someone of power says this is whats right they follow.
     The way we feel about people will be passed on to the next generation. Children follow by example and the second they were told one eye type was better they acted different and treated each other different. The children who were told they were better started performing better then people who were told they were inferior. The way we think of ourselves greatly effects how we act and how well we do. . The way that