"People think I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a jar on my desk." - Stephen King

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Analysis of: A Word, Please article

     I choose to write about the article titled A Word, Please: Why punctuation, grammar are important. This article was written about the importance of using proper grammar and punctuation when writing about a professional business. There were three separate places that grammar errors were spotted and the author of the article states that they believe it takes away from the professionalism of the business. The one they had the biggest problem with was “Bank owned properties commonly called REO or real estate owned is one of the most common foreclosure investment practices today”. The author of the piece, June Casagrande, writes,
     "(This) contains an outright grammar mistake, one you almost never see in professional writing.
     The subject of the sentence is long a noun phrase that starts with “bank” and ends with “owned.” But the head noun — the real subject — is “properties” and it’s paired with the verb “is.” This is a classic example of a subject-verb agreement problem."
    As stated by the author this is an outright grammar mistake that should not be seen in something written for a professional business. For anyone that notices these mistakes it would I'm sure be a turn and they would think twice before giving this company their business.   

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