"People think I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a jar on my desk." - Stephen King

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Extra! reading response: Mortal Danger

     This book is about a girl named Edie who was relentlessly bullied at her school.
 "The relentless jokes, endless harassment- if this was all I could look forward to, then I was ready to check out. I didn't know why people at school hated me so much. To my knowledge, I'd never done anything except exist, but that was enough. At Blackbriar Academy- an expensive, private school that my parents thought guaranteed a bright future- it wasn't okay to be ugly, weird, or different. I was all of the above." (pg.2)

    The bullying went on and on until one day they went to far. This was the last straw and Edie decided to commit suicide. Teetering on the edge of a bridge about to jump off she's stopped by a hand grabbing her arm and telling her to stop. She's given three favors (in form of an infinity symbol on her wrist with a cross through it for each favor she uses) to be used in three years, but in return she must do three favors for a mysterious company she knows little to nothing about.
    Edie is faced with decisions that could save her and those close to her or kill them. Everything she does is scrutinized and she has to be very careful if she has any chance of getting out of this alive.     

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