"People think I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a jar on my desk." - Stephen King

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Reading Response #1: Revived

     Revived is about a girl who died at a very  young age in a car crash. Her and twenty other kids were all used as guinea pigs for a new drug called Revive. The drug is administered through an injection into the blood stream and it will bring back people who die suddenly. They didn't want the public to know about their testing so it was all "hush hush". It worked on most of the children but not all and the ones that it worked on were moved away and had their names changed. The main character is Daisy the opening is her dying from a bee sting (she is very allergic) she is taken in a fake ambulance by the people from the revive project and is given the drug. She moves to a new town likes she's already done so many times but this time she vows to try to make friends unlike with her last school. She meets a girl named Audrey and they hit it off. Things really start to look up but can it really last?

        This book is full of people putting on false faces. When your "parents" are government officials every time they're in public they have to act normal. I know how it feels to always put on a face on for those around you. Smile even if you don't feel like it inside. We all have our false faces we put up for everyone else but what would happen if you let someone in? Maybe they would be more understanding then you think. 


  1. I have this booked checked out from the library and yet to have started to read it. I'm excited to get it started eventually.

  2. This sounds like a good book, and Daisy must have a horrible time hiding thigs from her "parents". Cant wait for the next post!

  3. This was a very good book. This response gives nothing away which helps with the mystery part of the book.

  4. I love your last paragraph! You're so right about people putting on nice faces and smiling when need by. I can definitely relate.

  5. Michelle recommended this book to me, and it does sound wonderful. I'm excited to read it!

  6. I like how you included lots of specific detail, but didn't give any spoilers.

  7. This sounds crazy! Do you think the story line is realistic, or possible?

  8. I keep getting creeped out when I look at the picture you included, needles are creepy. I'd like to see how the elements of "false faces" and just putting on an act some into play.

  9. I thought this was a unique book and I appreciate it for being so different. Its really interesting and thought provoking!

  10. Great response! good summary and good picture also.
