"People think I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a jar on my desk." - Stephen King

Monday, August 25, 2014

101 things about me

  • I love to read
  • My favorite color is blue
  • I've been to the Rocky Mountains
  • I collect Hard Rock t-shirts
  • I was in Movie club
  • I was in book club
  • I love to get on youtube
  • I love to watch Supernatural
  • I recently had a family reunion in Texas
  • I visited Galveston Island
  • I love to go to the library
  • I've never really enjoyed writing
  • I have one dog named Tanner
  • I have two step-brothers and one step-sister
  • My parents are both remarried
  • I have a pet leopard gecko named blizzard


  1. I also have family reunions in Texas! It's a great state, I can definitely see myself living there someday.

  2. I wish I could to love to read. I mean to me reading is more like a to me is more like a task that I have to get done.

  3. I am huge bookworm and I love the fact that you love to read!

  4. I love YouTube and I hate writing as well.

  5. I've been to the rocky mountains too! Where in the rocky mountains were you?

  6. I used to have a leopard gecko too. I think they are awesome lizards and fun to have.

  7. My favorite color is blue too, and I strongly dislike writing as well.

  8. Galveston Island sounds super pretty! I just love beaches!

  9. Your favorite color is blue because it is the best color! :)

  10. Supernatural is my favorite television show. Can't wait for October.

  11. I would love the visit the Rockies!

  12. Where is Galveston? Is it far away? Not that it matters, really - any island is a good one!
    By the way...I fixed my blog <_<

  13. Geckos are awesome and really cool!
